What kind of evergreen to plant ? - best evergreen for urns
I have two 26''plantadores urn, one on each side of the aisle would be, I have a houseplant I'd like the whole year, but I do not know what to buy.
I think a way around the giant planet as little or hetzy dwarf, I want to show a formal, neat and clean.
Suggestions, please, let me know .. Thank you very much!
I do not know which zone you are in opposition, but dwarf yaupon (Ilex vomitoria) is always a good choice. It could also function Dwarf Nandina (Nandina nana).
The best plants for hedges, the leaves are small, and box (box) the most used. How big are your planter, you are really the image of General English (Buxus sempervirens) need if you do not get a very bad case, would be cold Japanese (Buxus japonica) faster and lime green. Other options could some pittosporum in a ball, or even Euonymous small leaf. You do not find something troublw.
Dwarf English boxwood. They are expensive, but easy to grow and does not require a lot of size to keep in shape. They literally cut finger pinching irregular growth once a year. Too easy! Become smaller and watered and fertilize with a slow-release fertilizer, and can be proud that you raised from Little Tikes.
Go to the nursery and ask for help ... can walk, but also inspire. and enjoy all the negatives (= good) ions. There are mini-versions of almost any kind of "normal" trees. sounds like a good idea. and you still have 2 of the form: 1 round and might be as 1tall/pyramidal significantly.
A spruce sugarloaf of conical shape, the maximum height is 6 feet look great in containers and with little formal maintenance to keep their shape.
Green Mountain Boxwood a "poodle 3 excellent ball depending on the amount of the polls closing down English ivy
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